UTD CKI adventured this past week in Georgetown, TX. In attending the Kiwanis District Convention (DCON), officers of CKI got to build their K-Family Relations, here from governor-elect candidates, fundraise for further leadership opportunities (Leadership Fund), meet other officers throughout Texas-Oklahoma from both Key Club and CKI, and have a blast!
During Weekend Officer Workshop on August 6th, 2022, the officers of UTD Circle K worked with the District Board to further plan fun and engaging activities for the school year!
We are super excited to implement these tips and tricks into the school year!

Pictured left to right: SMU Circle K President Vivian Thai, Central Plains Lieutenant Governor and UTD Circle K Vice President Lucie Nguyen, District Governor Bobby Serda, District Administrator Colleen Biggerstaff, International President Peter Mancuso, and Assistant Administrator John Cano

Pictured: Texas-Oklahoma District Board

Pictured: District Board, UTD Officers Lizzie Schmitz, Hannah Sharma, and Lucie Nguyen and SMU Circle K President Vivian Thai

Pictured: Governor's Dinner: Steak