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Reusable Menstrual Pads for Dallas

Partnering with Kiwanis to make reusable menstrual pads after our 11.30.2021 meeting!

Students in UTD CKI came together after the general meeting on November 30, 2021 to make menstrual pads for the Dallas populations.

“Each year in the United States, people spend upward of $2 billion on menstrual products. In their lifetime, the average menstruating person uses almost 17,000 tampons or pads.”
According to Healthline

Of these people there are millions of women that live, struggling to have access to these products. There is lots of embarrassment and worry when periods happen. That's why as UTD CKI we hoped to alleviate some of this by making reusable pads.

This way, women can focus more on working, taking their children, and fulfilling other needs instead of worrying on bleeding. Members of UTD CKI traced and cut out templates for reusable pads for this community. These templates were then placed and lined up to be given to women of the Allen Kiwanis. Generously, the women of the Allen Kiwanis have given their sewing skills to help this cause. Together, Allen Kiwanis and UTD CKI made around 150 pad patterns for the Tomorrow's Fund.


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